Remote Control

Remote controls have become much easier to operate over time. However, the first remote control that Robert Adler developed, Zenith Space Command, had some issues. It used a mechanical device to change channels and volume. To activate it, the user had to push a button with a mechanical arm. This was not practical and was a problem for a lot of people. A few years later, the Zenith Space Commander Six hundred remote control was developed. This remote control was wireless and didn’t require any physical activity. It worked by sending a signal that corresponded to certain commands, such as channel up, channel down, and power on. A great post

The CORE unit was an improvement over previous units because it used computer technology and was programmed with software code. It was much easier to learn than the previous remote controls. This meant that the remote could now be programmed by anyone. The CORE unit performed specific or multiple functions at various times with its built-in clock. This was the first remote control to be linked to a computer and loaded with updated software code as needed. This feature was great because it allowed the remote to communicate with a host device such as a computer. This feature was a significant improvement over previous remotes. The CORE unit never made a huge impact on the market because it was much too cumbersome to program.

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What I did not mention is that this was a new product that was only available at Radio Shack stores. It was called the CL9, but they soon changed the name to the CORE. The problem was that you couldn’t program the remote and the remote only learned the remote’s programming from another remote. It had a tiny keyboard that required a code sheet to program it. It was also expensive. These problems eventually led to the demise of this product.

The two employees of Celadon created a programmable version of this remote, but the original CORE was still available.

It was designed to be controlled by a computer and loaded with software code as needed. The problem was that it was cumbersome for the average user to program. Most people couldn’t program it. So the company decided to sell it to a major manufacturer. The remote control company didn’t want to have anything to do with it. It was too complicated for them. They didn’t think it would make much money. So they gave up on it and went on to another product. That was the end of the CORE unit. But two of the people who worked on it stayed on. They formed a new company and called it Celadon. This was a big improvement over the CORE unit.